People & Accountability

Read about our current members and access our audited financial statements

Board of Directors

As leaders with expertise in public health, health business, technology, medicine, finance, and beyond, members of the CUNY SPH Foundation Board serve as advisors to the school and its Dean to form creative partnerships, expand networks, and develop resources that propel the school forward.

The Board operates several committees to oversee its operations: Executive, Finance and Investment, Audit, Communications, Resource Development, and Board Nominations and Recruitment.


Lyndon Haviland

President, Lyndon Haviland and Co. LLC

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Alfonso Chang

Co-founder and Managing Director, AC3 Group

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Ruth Wooden

Marketing and public policy communications professional

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Michael Meng

Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, Stellar Health

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Voting Member Ex-Officio

Ayman El-Mohandes


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Non-Voting Member Ex-Officio

Adam M. Doyno

Executive Director, CUNY SPH Foundation

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Marilyn Aguirre-Molina

CUNY SPH Professor Emerita, Department of Community Health and Social Sciences

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Austin Cheng

Chief Executive Officer, Gramercy Surgery Center

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Innocent Clement

Innocent Clement

CEO & Founder, Ciba Health

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Margaret Crotty

Senior Public Health Leader

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Cesar Herrera

Cesar Herrera

CEO & Co-founder, Yuvo Health

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Jordana Kier

Co-founder, LOLA

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Daniel Knecht

Daniel Knecht

Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President, EmblemHealth

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Daniel Lowy

Founder and CEO, EMU Health

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Saquib Rahim

Healthcare Executive, Practicing Physician & Board Advisor

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Nicole F. Roberts

Executive Director, Feed A Billion

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The Foundation’s staff are generously sponsored by the school and CUNY SPH Foundation’s Board of Directors and work to secure and administer gifts and grants which power our programs and initiatives.


Ayman El-Mohandes


Dr. El-Mohandes is a pediatrician, epidemiologist, academician, and established researcher with a deep commitment to public service. He is an active and engaged participant in the growth of the Foundation and serves on the Board as Voting Member Ex-Officio.

Executive Director

Adam M. Doyno


Adam is a fundraising practitioner and nonprofit leader. He is the inaugural Chief Development Officer at CUNY SPH and founding Executive Director of the CUNY SPH Foundation. In addition to all oversight of the foundation’s daily activities, Adam is also a Member Ex-Officio of the Board.

Lauren Rauh

Director of Programs

Lauren Rauh


Lauren is a proud alumna of CUNY SPH (MPH ’20) and previously administered a portfolio of mixed-methods research and programmatic activities for CONVINCE and the Vaccine Literacy Campaign for CUNY SPH. Lauren is responsible for the development, execution and evaluation of all foundation-funded programs and initiatives.

Development Manager

Cara Flynn

Cara has been a development professional since 2013. Cara focuses on board candidate identification and research and sourcing new funding opportunities from foundations, corporations and individuals for scholarship / fellowship, the Career Skills Academy, the Harlem Health Initiative and more.

Development Operations Manager

Brianna Lee

Brianna joined CUNY SPH from the development office at the Mount Sinai Health System and the University of Pennsylvania. As a development operations professional, she is responsible for the oversight of business operations to ensure effective grant implementation and engaging alumni in the development process.


Our Board of Directors and its Finance and Investment Committee and Audit Committee work closely with our leadership and staff, trusted financial experts, and independent auditors to ensure responsible financial management and optimize our ability to advance the mission, vision, and values of CUNY SPH. The CUNY SPH Foundation Board of Directors set a 10% indirect rate on all restricted donations for the 2025 fiscal year from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

We are pleased to disclose our audited financial statements for public review. Audits are generally conducted every summer and finalized by the following fall: